Tuesday, October 14, 2008


What goes on peeps! Well, i had flipin awesome good day today cause well it just went very well. I made up some new characters for my comics and I made through the day without one of my teachers biting my head off and picking her teeth with my bones...awkward. Well anyway, i don't know about you, but does your school have this thing called...(it hurts to say it) de-d-demerits? It sucks fo-show-yo! UGH! Man i have never had a more paranoid bunch of classmates scared to death of the little yellow slip dubbed the "DEATH SLIP". Everyone in my class has his or her problem that always tends to lead them to the "DEATH SLIP". Like, me, it's my unprepared offence, Josh...well he doesn't have any, Karee...wait she doesn't have any either...oh boy...uhh...Oh! Francisco, Julio, and some other kid that no one really pays any attention too has ISS (In School Suspension) because they have like a bubillion (thats right...you just saw me make up a new number...THATS RIGHT PUT THAT IN YOUR PURSE/WALLET AND SPEND IT!!!anyway) Well yea that my little story of..."THE DEATH SLIP" BUM BUM BUMMMM!!! Well see you lata! PEACE HELP YOU LEARN! eat your carrots (and yo you Circe i say...HA! and HA!)!

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